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Historical & Cultural Visualization Proseminar 2 on Models: History, Theory & Digital Practice

Instructor(s): Annabel Wharton, Mark J. V. Olson

Matt Ratto (2011) describes critical making as “a desire to theoretically and pragmatically connect two modes of engagement with the world that are often held separate—critical thinking, typically understood as conceptual and linguistically based, and physical ‘making,’ goal-based material work” (253). Models offer a site in which making and conceptualization are inextricably interwoven. Like models themselves, this seminar brings theory and practice together. We shall develop skills both in making models and in thinking about and through models.

Student projects will both model and analyze, theoretically and historically, a site or object of their choice. Digital 3d models will be constructed and then be presented in the form of a 20-minute conference paper and then refined and elaborated as a final paper.

Codes: Seminar, ALP, STS

Course Code(s): HCVIS 581S-01, ISIS 581S-01, VMS 581S-01

Curriculum Code(s): None

Day(s) & Times(s):
