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Map showing Nazi labor camps categorized by type of labor. Image Credit: Antonio LoPiano.
Map showing Nazi labor camps categorized by type of labor. Image Credit: Antonio LoPiano.

Mapping History with GIS

Instructor(s): Edward Triplett

This is a beginner/intermediate Geographic Information System (GIS) course designed to help students design maps and spatial diagrams of historical subjects. The class emphasizes perspectives, procedures, and tools that are relevant to art and architectural history, but students will also learn that most spatial methods are inter-disciplinary. Although geared toward art history, students from any discipline are welcome. This course is designed as a hybrid lecture/lab format in which direct instruction is supplemented by hands on learning labs using ArcGIS software and real-world spatial data. The main skills students will gain are:

· Integration of spatial and tabular data
· Geoprocessing
· Data visualization
· Creating features
· Editing Features
· Vector and Raster Integration
· Spatial Analysis
· Georeferencing

Course Code(s): ARTHIST 315/715

Curriculum Code(s): CZ, STS

Day(s) & Times(s): 7:00-9:30PM ET

Location: Perkins LINK 072 (Classroom 6)