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Reconstructing Ancient Worlds

What did the Parthenon look like in the 5th century BCE? How spectacular was the view of the Giza Pyramids in third millennium BCE Egypt? The extraordinary growth of information and digital technologies in archaeology raises new questions about research methodology, knowledge and the dissemination of culture. In particular, the technologies of 3D data recording and representation such as computer vision, photogrammetry, and 3D laser scanning create information that has a complexity unimaginable a few years ago and whose codes of representation still must be defined and investigated. We do not adequately understand the cognitive processes that connect the geometric complexity of models with their representation. The key element on which we construct our codes, our maps, is the perception which first selects what is high-priority information and then transforms it into knowledge. The course aims explores these multidisciplinary issues, methods and technologies in the field of virtual and cyber archaeology and, more specifically, it is focused on the reconstruction and communication of the past through virtual reality and computer graphics.

Course Code(s): CLST 252LS

Curriculum Code(s): None

Day(s) & Times(s):
