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Kristin Huffman

Kristin Love Huffman

Independent Scholar
Kristin Huffman

Until 2022, Kristin Love Huffman was a Lecturing Fellow in the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies at Duke University. Her current research focuses on the uses, configurations, and, at times, deliberate re-ordering of architectural spaces and larger urban systems in early modern Venice. This is the central topic of her monograph: Visual Rhetoric and Spatial Dynamics in Early Modern Venice.

Her interest in urban experiences and reconstructing transformed or demolished spaces led her to work with Wired! at Duke as well as Visualizing Venice beginning in 2013. Within these collaboratives, she contributed to the curation of the exhibition, Water and Food in Venice at the Ducal Palace in 2015. From 2014-2017, she worked to create the exhibition, A Portrait of Venice: Jacopo de’ Barbari’s View of 1500 on display at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke (September 2017-January 2018). In conjunction with the exhibition, she organized a scholarly symposium, Stories about Venice and de’ Barbari’s Marvelous View of 1500. The research conducted for the exhibition, along with the talks first presented at the symposium, formed the foundation for an edited volume that includes over 20 scholarly essays related to the View of Venice and life in early modern Venice, A Portrait of Venice: Jacopo de’ Barbari’s Venice (Duke University Press, forthcoming 2021). She is currently working with colleagues at the Correr Museum in Venice, Italy, to feature an expanded version of the 2017-2018 exhibition, A Portrait of Venice, as an installation centered on the woodcut along with the original wooden blocks used to publish the View in 1500. The high-resolution image, the best available for in-depth study and analysis, was developed in collaboration with Duke Libraries and can be found here: 10.7924/G8MK69TH

Most recently, she collaborated with Duke Library’s Rubenstein Library for an interactive virtual exhibition featuring digital stories related to the map of Venice by Ludovico Ughi, first printed in 1729. The exhibition, The Senses of Venice, was co-curated with Bradford Lewis, and included significant contributions from four undergraduate students: Noah Michaud, Angela Tawfik, Daphne Turan, and Mary Kate Weggeland, with animations developed in collaboration with CamerAnebbia, colleagues at the School of Architecture at the University of Padua, as well as those closer to home, namely Hannah L. Jacobs and Dave Zielinski.

Within the Wired! Lab, in addition to developing research projects and exhibitions, she works alongside Paul B. Jaskot and Hannah L. Jacobs to develop new curricular strategies and innovative learning opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students.

For her research and digital projects, she has been awarded grants from the following institutions: The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, The National Endowment for the Humanities, The Renaissance Society of America, The Samuel H. Kress Foundation, The Furthermore Foundation.

Past Collaborations

Mapping Stereotomy
Statues Speak


Books & Book Chapters

Huffman, Kristin Love., Andrea Giordano, and Caroline Bruzelius, eds. Visualizing Venice: Mapping and Modeling Time and Change in a City. New York: Routledge, 2019.

Huffman, Kristin Love., “Digital Art History: Building a Model for Student Engagement” in Visualizing Venice: Mapping and Modeling Time and Change in a City, eds. Kristin Love. Huffman, Caroline Bruzelius, and Andrea Giordano. New York: Routledge Press, 2018: 111-117.

Huffman, Kristin Love., “Visualizing Venice to Visualizing Cities: Future Horizons” in Visualizing Venice: Mapping and Modeling Time and Change in a City, eds. Kristin Love. Huffman, Caroline Bruzelius, and Andrea Giordano. New York: Routledge Press, 2018: xii-xiv.

Huffman, Kristin Love., “Banquets, Parades, Games and Festivals,” in Acqua e Cibo (Water and Food): storie della laguna e della città, eds. Donatella Calabi and Ludovica Galeazzo. Venice: Marsilio, 2015: 184-89.

Huffman, Kristin Love. Twelve Catalogue Entries in Acqua e Cibo (Water and Food): storie della laguna e della città, eds. Donatella Calabi and Ludovica Galeazzo. Venice: Marsilio, 2015: 190-193; 196-204; 207.

Huffman, Kristin Love, A Portrait of Venice. Jacopo de’ Barbari’s View of 1500. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2021.

Public-Facing Scholarship

Huffman, Kristin Love. Senses of Venice. Duke University Libraries, August 26, 2019-December 15, 2019.

Huffman, Kristin Love. A Portrait of Venice: Jacopo de’ Barbari’s View of 1500. Nasher Museum of Art, September 7, 2017-December 31, 2017.

Huffman, Kristin Love. Acqua e Cibo: Storie della Città e della laguna (Water and Food: Stories of Venice and the Lagoon). Ducal Palace, Venice, Italy, September 2015-February 2016.


Huffman, Kristin Love. “Jacopo De’ Barbari’s View of Venice (1500) ‘Image Vehicles’ and ‘Pathways of Culture’ Past and Present.” Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge 4 (2019): 165-214. doi:10.21071/mijtk.v4i0.11530.

Huffman, Kristin Love. and Andrea Giordano, eds. DISEGNARECON, 11, no 21 (2018, but released 2019). Special edition entitled, “Advanced Technologies for Historical Cities Visualization.” ISSN 1828 5961.

Huffman, Kristin Love, Hannah L. Jacobs, and David J. Zielinski. 2023. “Representing Early Modern Venice: Augmented Reality Experiences in Exhibitions”. International Journal for Digital Art History, no. 6 (October):3.48-3.69.

Huffman, Kristin Love, and Iara Dundas. “San Geminiano: ‘A Ruby among Many Pearls.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 79, no. 1 (2020): 6-16. doi:10.1525/jsah.2020.79.1.6.

Lanzoni, Kristin Huffman, Mark James-Vrooman Olson, and Victoria E. Szabo. “Wired! and Visualizing Venice: Scaling up Digital Art History.” Artl@s Bulletin 4, no. 1 (2015): Article 3.


Huffman, Kristin Love. “500-Year-Old Wooden Blocks, Light Laser Scans & Photogrammetry.” Paper presented at Digital Matters in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Duke University, Durham, NC, April 6-7, 2018.

Huffman, Kristin Love. “A ‘Virtually’ Digital Exhibition.” University of Padua, Italy, 2017.

Huffman, Kristin Love. “A Portrait of a City: Jacopo de’ Barbari’s Venice.” Florida State University, 2019. Huffman, Kristin Love. “A Portrait of Venice.” University of Kansas, 2017.

Huffman, Kristin Love. “A View from Above: Jacopo de’ Barbari’s Venice.” Ballroom of the Correr Museum, 2018. Huffman, Kristin Love. “Digital Humanities and Historic Visualization.” University of Padua, Italy, 2016.

Huffman, Kristin Love. “Jacopo de’ Barbari’s View of Venice.” University of Washington at St. Louis, 2017. Huffman, Kristin Love. “The View of Venice and the Making of Knowledge.” University of Padova, 2018.

Huffman, Kristin Love. “The View of Venice.” School of Engineering, Duke University, 2017.

Huffman, Kristin Love. “The Wooden Blocks of Jacopo de’ Barbari’s Celebrated View of Venice.” Renaissance Society of America, New Orleans, March 2018.

Huffman, Kristin Love. “Virtual Reconstructions in between the Ephemeral and the Virtual: Reactivating Art Installations through Digital Reconstructions.” College Art Association, Washington D.C., 2016.

Huffman, Kristin Love. “Visualizing Venetian Art.” Wake Forest University, Digital Humanities, 2016. Huffman, Kristin Love. “Wired! & Visualizing Venice.” College Art Association, Chicago, February 2014.

Huffman, Kristin Love. “Wired! and Visualizing Venice: Scaling up Digital Art History.” Temple, Philadelphia, PA, 2014.

Lanzoni, Kristin Huffman, and Victoria E. Szabo. “Wired! Approaches to Digital Scholarship.” Paper presented at Symposium on Digital Cultures, Temple University Libraries, Philadelphia, PA, October 21, 2014.

Lanzoni, Kristin Huffman. “Visualizing Venice: Digital Tools & Urban History,” Berlin, Germany, March 2015.